U3A Hervey Bay Inc

The University of the Third Age

Hervey Bay Inc.

U3A News from the President

Hello U3A Member

A few pieces of news for you!

  • Last Friday our Annual General Meeting was held. It was disappointing to see so few members attending. I’m hoping that means the members are happy with the way things are being run. We had a quorum (just). A Committee was elected; however, we would like to have another volunteer to fill a position of Committee member and take on the role of Class Attendance Officer. At the moment our Secretary, Sue, has taken on the role temporarily. If you are interested, please let me know and our outgoing Class Attendance Officer will explain the requirements of the role. The committee for the next year is….
    • President, Lyn Quince
    • Vice-President & Publicity Officer, Helen Preston
    • Secretary & Class Attendance, Sue Thwaites
    • Treasurer, Di Wells
    • Membership Secretary, Dina Jenkinson
    • Course Co-ordinator, Barbara Hall

I have attached my annual report for you to read.

  • A motion was passed at the meeting to increase annual membership fees to $40. This to commence in 2026. The fee has remained the same for at least the past 15 years. This was a difficult decision to take as we would like to keep our charges low but with the increasing expenses, we were forced to do this. The annual fee allows members to attend as many courses as they wish.
  • My Beginner’s Family History course will commence on Tuesday 13 May at USC. Time is 11.30am – 1pm. It is a 6-week course to start you on your family tree search. If you would like to attend, please email me lyn.quince@hotmail.com
  • Next Friday 28 March I will be giving a one-off talk Recording, Preserving and Publishing your Family Story. This will also be at USC commencing at 10am. Again, please email me.
  • The first Coffee and Chat morning was held at the Boat Club on 15 March. It was great to see so many members attending (more than the AGM ) The next get-together will be on Friday 11 April, 10am in the Boat Club Café. It is a great chance to meet members from the many courses we offer.
  • Just a reminder to Tutors that USC will be closed on all the up-coming public holidays and USC exam time
    • Friday 18 April Good Friday
    • Monday 21 April Easter Monday
    • Friday 25 April ANZAC Day
    • Monday 5 May Labour Day
    • Friday 22 May Show Day
    • Monday 9 June – Friday 20 June USC exams

I hope you all have a good weekend.

Lyn Quince

 President, U3A Hervey Bay
