I would like to welcome you all here today and acknowledge the Traditional Custodians on the land on which we meet, the Butchulla people.
2025 marks the 35th anniversary for our organization. We have, sadly, lost some of our founding members: we miss and revere them.
The past year has been a successful for U3A Hervey Bay. Over 2024 we held courses and activities which provided an abundance of opportunities for all our members to gather for learning and laughter. U3A Hervey Bay is a safe, welcoming, inclusive, and rewarding experience for all our members. This is reflected by the continuing growth in membership. I went back over records and found that in 2013 we had 120 members last year this number was 275.
Sign on Day last month was, as usual, a big success. However, we are seeing many members using our website to complete their applications and membership payments. Many of those who had joined online came along to Sign on Day just for a coffee and catch-up with other members. It’s all part of the social experience of U3A.
U3A Hervey Bay offers a wide range of courses from academic through to social. New offerings this year include Core of You, Basic Psychology and Write Right with AI. Of course, all the popular courses are still available. In May a 6-week Beginner’s Family History course will commence.
Each year our programme is restricted by dependence on tutors’ offerings. Our committee is always on the lookout for new leaders and presenters.
To our existing tutors a big thank you for your contribution and hard work in researching and presenting your classes and organizing special events. As a group we benefit greatly from the store of knowledge amongst our membership and appreciate our tutors sharing this with us. We held a lunch for tutors and they provided feedback and suggestions for promotions and possible new courses.
The chance to meet members from other classes was provided by two social events last year. A visit to Brooklyn House at Howard was well-attended. The end of year trivia and high tea was a great opportunity for members to get – together in a social setting. It was a fun afternoon enjoyed by all. Special thanks to Colin Coates for his quizmaster skills.
Continuing on with the social side of our organization we have, this year commenced monthly Coffee & Chat mornings. Our first one was last week and it was exciting to meet with members over a cuppa.
Once again, we have worked to raise the profile of U3A Hervey Bay. A display was held at the Lifestyle Expo. A permanent promotional sign was placed on the fence at the Croquet Club and we thank that group for permission to do this. Advertising was placed in local media and talks were given on Community Radio. Brochures were distributed throughout the community.
Last year saw a complete revision and update of our website. It was also transferred to another provider due to the previous provider being unable to continue. The site is looking very modern and informative.
Although U3A is a worldwide organization U3A Hervey Bay operates autonomously. We are a member of the U3A Qld Network who are available to provide advice and support. In 2024 we had two visits from representatives of the Network. President Rhonda Weston came for an informal coffee and chat as did Trudi Graham the Network Liaison Officer for this region. The annual Qld U3A conference will this year be held at Bribie Island and two of our committee will be attending. They will, I’m sure, bring back many ideas for the future.
I have been fortunate to have a cohesive and active committee behind me during the past year and I must thank every one of them for their hard work and enthusiasm. I don’t think our members understand how much work goes into the administration and management of our organization. We are all volunteers, we don’t have an office or any paid staff, so we are grateful for the members who put their hand up to assist.
Thanks, must also go to USC who provides a room for our use during semester for no charge.
In closing I would like to thank each and every one of you for being part of our organization. You all contribute in your own way to ensure the continued success of U3A Hervey Bay.
On a personal note, thanks for your friendship over the past twelve years of my membership.
Lyn Quince President U3A Hervey Bay