U3A Hervey Bay Inc

The University of the Third Age

Hervey Bay Inc.

Course Timetable

The majority of courses at U3A Hervey Bay start the week after Sign On Day. Courses held at USC start at the commencement of University Year. Classes held at USC adhere to the University Timetable and are suspended when the University is closed for Public Holidays and during exam periods.

USC will be closed

Friday 16 April Good Friday
Monday 21 April Easter Monday
Friday 25 April ANZAC Day
Monday May 1 Labour Day
Friday 22 May Show Day
Monday 9 June – Friday 20 June USC Exams

Classes at other venues are not restricted to the University Schedule and may start in January and have different break times. Contact the tutor (see Tutor contact list). Courses generally run through the year with breaks decided by individual tutors